The Imago Daze Quick Guide to Supernatural Beings






What are they?

A human being is made up of two parts intertwined with one another. One is the physical body, and the other is the soul. The souls is comprised of a human's memory, personality, likes/dislikes, relationships and important bonds, etc. Basically, it is everything that has could be related to the concept of 'thought' or 'feelings'.

As long as a human being is living, their body and soul can be considered one being. However, when a human dies, there is a natural 'split' between the physical body and soul. Once this happens, the soul cannot return to be united with the body. It will instead do one of two things: travel to the realm of the dead, or stay on earth to roam as a ghost. This depends if they still have burdens from their life.

Even though human bodies are obviously visible to everyone, souls separated from the body are only visible to necromancers. They usually have a glowing, "angelic" look that vaguely takes the form of the body they were attached to. Each soul has a different color or aura determined by their personality. However, even a necromancer eye cannot process the true form of a soul. Many have theorized what one actually looks like, though there can only be speculation.

What are their powers?

  • Being invisible to a non-necromancer eye
  • Levitating off the ground / floating
  • Not affected by physical ailments (hunger, pain, etc)
  • Phasing through walls

What are their weaknesses?

  • (When in a living body) Goals between the body and soul may conflict (think gender)
  • (When in a living body) Strength is limited to the body

In Relation to a Necromancer's Job

As Santiago would say, "it's my job to help the living as much as the dead!" Necromancers are able to aid living humans/souls get through tough times, specifically when discusing the hardships of losing loved ones or fear of dying. They are not obliged to, but the kinder ones never fail to help.


What are they?

Ghosts are souls that did not immediately go to the afterlife after being separated from a human body. This is because there is something heavy burdening their heart, blocking them from fully moving on from mortal life and reaching the land of the dead. More specific reasons could include loss, trauma, anger, strong urges of revenge, etc. Whatever the reason, they are left stranded on earth until receiving assistance (AKA therapy pretty much) from a necromancer.

Unlike souls, ghosts have a clear age to them. Necromancers are able to tell how old a ghost is (or, in theory, how long someone has been dead) by observing their appearance. When ghosts are first dettached from a human body, they look the same as souls: vague wisps of light with varying colors. However, the longer a ghost has been on earth, the closer their body will be to their once human form.

Note that the terms "ghost" and "soul" can be used interchangeably as long as the soul and physical body aren't one anymore. It's best to stick with one for clarity purposes, though.

What are their powers?

  • All powers that a soul has, plus...
  • Having a presence able to be sensed by non-necromancers (think haunted houses)
  • (The longer their stay on earth, the stronger their presence)

What are their weaknesses?

  • Usually fixated on their mortal life or worrying about staying on earth for too long
  • If they do spend too much time in this realm, they get turned into a demon

In Relation to a Necromancer's Job

Any necromancer's main purpose is to help their clients, ghosts move on to the afterlife. One does this by comforting the ghost in question, targetting any insecurity that had not been addressed before dying as a human. Tasks to help them may include things such as finding family members and helping to write last goodbye letters, seeing sentimental objects for the last time, or finding the answers to dwelled-on questions.

Even if it's ridiculous, the necromancer must put the ghost's wishes first. Depending on the request, doing so may take months at a time, which is why most necromancers 'multi-task' and take on several clients at a time.


What are they?

Demons are ghosts that have stayed on earth for too long and have therefore gone insane (if you think you can go a long time while being present but not noticable + having NOTHING to do but think and be sane, that's very wrong). They are bent on destruction and hyperfixated on events that happened in their life, often seeking to harm those who have done them wrong or destroy things out of sheer anger. Once a ghost has turned into a demon, there is no turning back.

Demons take on the exact form of their human body. The only difference is that their body is the same color as their soul's aura. There are many cases of demons having mutated limbs or added features, such as horns, extra arms / legs, or animal feet. The cause of this is unknown and is being researched.

This leads to an important difference they have compared to regular ghosts/souls. Demons are able to be seen by humans and are effected by bodily needs, such as hunger and thirst.

Although demons are associated with violent nature, not all of them are violent. Some wish to be left alone in solitude and are very hard to find.

What are their powers?

  • Super strength (usually fueled by violence and rage)
  • Powerful arms, legs (most have claws)

What are their weaknesses?

  • Effected by needs such as hunger, thirst, rest, etc. (However, they are not able to be killed by these things)
  • Unlike ghosts and souls, they are able to be seen by regular humans, and cannot float / phase through walls
  • Heavy doses of direct sunlight and extreme heat can temporarily send them away to Hell
  • Holy water will permanently send them to the land of the dead

In Relation to a Necromancer's Job

As it has been said before, once a demon has become what it is, there is no turning back. Therefore, a necromancer's job consists of getting rid of them by using holy water. In some instances, this may require blunt force.

Some necromancers think it is immoral to kill demons. Instead, they keep them captive until a possible way to revert them to ghosts surfaces. Ironically enough, some other necromancers would think the act of keeping them is even more inhumane, considering that most demons don't even want to be in their current form.


La Muerte / Catarina / Micetecacihualtl

*whistles* come back later this is a wip